Sunday, April 24, 2011

Featured Artist: James E. Thurman

Meet James E. Thurman. "I'm originally from Poplar Bluff, MO. but have since lived in Cape Girardeau, MO where I earned my BFA in Ceramics. Most recently my family and I have resided in Sullivan, MO, but are currently in the final stages of planning an exodus for the opportunities that await us in St. Louis." He shares a studio in his home with his wife Ashley.

The Temper by James E. Thurman
"I've been creating art since I was six years old. I would spend hours creating comic strips about my friends, family, and the everyday things I noticed. I still have these comics, which I lovingly assembled in big three ring binders. When I got a bit older I began experimenting with other mediums. My friends and I would get together and create elaborate videos, and I also picked up a paintbrush and began painting. When I started attending Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, MO I became interested in Ceramics and eventually chose this as my Major. After receiving my BFA I naturally went back to painting because I had neither the space, or money to invest in the equipment necessary to keep making ceramics pieces. During this time I met my future wife, and after a good run being that 'crazy art couple' gallery-hopping, making art videos with our friends, and showing in many different exhibitions we started creating our greatest piece of artwork of all, our son Tucker. Recently I teamed up with JHAudio and did some illustrations for them. You can find some images scattered throughout their website, but the most exciting images can be found on my Facebook page, of the walls in their new offices in LA and Florida. I really enjoy working with clay, and recently I purchased two kilns and wheel to get back into it. I look forward to finishing the ceramics pieces I'm working on and getting them listed."

Happy Thoughts by James E. Thurman
James mainly sells his work on Etsy, but has been featured in many shows over the years including a juried expedition in New York City.
Role Model by James E. Thurman
"Some of my favorite artists are my friends. Of course, my wife is one of them.  Through our own individual work we inspire each other to be better artists. I know I can always count on her for an honest opinion, whether I like it or not. She is also responsible for me joining Etsy, and she does most of the promotional work for it." He also lists Jake Wells ("Over the years we've collaborated, shown together, and had many adventures. He is one of the most dedicated artists I know and I look up to him a lot."), Jonathan B. Andrew ("The thing I admire most about his work is he never creates for anyone but himself. It's all his own, and he doesn't make any apologies for it.", and Rochelle Steffen (who "creates artwork geared towards educating people on animal abuse and donates a great deal of the proceeds from her sales to various animal rights groups.") as some of his favorite artists and lists a few Etsy shops he really enjoys: Retro Whale, Erin Tyner Photography, and SCHMETZPETZ.
Family Portrait #2 by James E. Thurman
"I have a lot of weird little quirks about me...most artists do. Probably one of the most prevalent one would be I notice the most random things. Once while driving through a parking lot I said to my wife, "was that a dollar?" and she looked at me like I was crazy. I stopped the car and sure enough, folded up real small was a dollar bill. Most people wouldn't have noticed it, but I did. As soon as I come home I like to strip down to my underwear, because I just cannot be bothered by frivolous things like clothing. I could wear flip-flops all year round, even during the cruel Missouri winters and I also have a strange affinity for bread and like to eat peanut butter sandwiches with my chili."
Blah #2 by James E. Thurman

James finds inspiration in everything around him. "...I tend to notice things and this allows me to make associations between ideas and objects that otherwise wouldn't make sense in everyday life. If something bad happens I like to take those feelings and put them in a painting, same thing if something good happens. The pieces I create while experiencing something life changing tend to be the pieces people relate to the most. From finding love to getting your heart broken, becoming a father, hating your job and struggling with money...these all create feelings that most people have felt at one time in their life or another. Knowing someone else has felt the same way and having a visual representation of that, I think, can be very comforting."

Hey There by James E, Thurman

Wow. I have to thank James for the wonderful interview. I had to do very little work editing... I also have to thank him for introducing me to some other great artists.
Rough Seas Ahead by James E. Thurman

If you like what you see, make sure you check James out:
Back Door Gallery
Studio Visit Magazine (volume 12)
and Drawgasmic

1 comment:

  1. Great post!
    Loved learning about another Missouri artist! ;)

    Mary C. Nasser
